1. Identify all field accesses:
- Park vehicle safely on roadside adjacent to field. DO NOT drive onto the field access or the field.
- Use a county map to identify the landowner and legal land location.
- Before entering the field replace footwear with boots that have been positioned on a disinfectant mat.
- Wear new plastic boot covers before entry into a field.
- Wear new plastic gloves before entry into a field .
2. Upon field entry:
- Inspect the first 100-150 feet from the chosen field access.
- Walk in a ‘W' pattern, pulling 20-30 plants to examine the roots .
3. If clubroot symptoms present:
- Record coordinates with a hand held Global Positioning System device.
- Cut the stems off near the roots with disinfected shears and place into labeled bag.
- Collect three to four individual plant roots for laboratory analysis .
4. Ensure the bag is labelled in proper format to be submitted for laboratory testing. Following is an example of proper labeling:
Example: LCW-14-01
LC: Lacombe County
W: The first name initial of the person doing to inspection
14: The year
01: Case number
5. Upon completion of inspection exit the field:
- Remove plastic boot covers upon reaching roadside and dispose in garbage bag located at inspectors vehicle.
- Remove boots at inspector's vehicle and treat with a 10% chlorine bleach solution and then place boots on a disinfectant mat.
- Remove plastic gloves and dispose in garbage bag located at inspectors vehicle .
6. Upon laboratory confirmation for presence of Clubroot of Canola; a second site inspection will be required to determine the extent of area infected within the subject field.
7. Follow the entrance procedure to enter the field.
8. Using a hand-held Global Positioning System device; proceed directly where Clubroot of Canola was initially discovered and search for additional clubroot infected plants. Upon completion:
- Inspect the entire perimeter of the field 35 feet from the field edge; randomly inspecting samples.
- Upon completion of the perimeter inspection, continue to inspect field in a back and forth pattern spaced at 150 feet across the entire field.
- Record coordinates of clubroot of canola infested areas with a handheld Global Positioning System device.
9. Use proper exiting protocol when leaving the field.