The goal of the Lacombe County Health and Safety Management system is a healthy, injury-free, and psychologically safe workplace attained by working in cooperation with all employees and impacted parties. Everyone working at Lacombe County worksites are responsible and accountable for achieving this goal.
Lacombe County Council and Management are committed to a Health and Safety Management System that addresses physical, psychological and social well-being. The protection of the personal health and safety of County employees and all parties at or in the vicinity of County worksites is of primary importance.
We should all be familiar with Lacombe County’s Health and Safety Management System and the Alberta OH&S legislation as it pertains to our work. Lacombe County endorses employees’ three (3) legislative rights:
- Right to KNOW
- Right to REFUSE unsafe work
County employees are expected to utilize their three legislative rights as necessary, comply with Lacombe County’s health and safety standards and applicable legislation as it pertains to their work, and with any person exercising a duty imposed by the Alberta Occupational Health & Safety Act.
Other Guidelines/Procedures of Lacombe County’s Health and Safety Management System include:
- Directors, managers, supervisors, non-supervisory staff, contractors, and other parties engaged in work at County worksites are responsible and accountable for actively participating in the County’s health and safety initiatives.
- Council and management shall ensure adequate resources are available to implement and maintain an effective program.
- Supervisors are responsible for fostering a health and safety culture that encourages personal responsibility and the utmost regard for health and safety at the worksite.
- Non-supervisory employees or workers shall continually engage in healthy and safe behaviours while performing their work tasks.
- Contractors and other parties at County worksites are responsible for providing their cooperation to Lacombe County regarding health and safety at the worksite and complying with all applicable legislation.