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Dwellings in the Agricultural Area
(Bylaws No. 1406/24 and 1407/24)
After carefully considering feedback received from the community at the public hearing, County Council gave second and third reading (final adoption) to Bylaws 1406/24 and 1407/24.
This bylaw change allows a second dwelling on Agricultural ‘A’ District parcels 10 acres or larger.
Previously, Lacombe County’s policy allowed for two dwellings on Agricultural ‘A’ District parcels of at least 40 acres in size. This bylaw change has reduced the minimum parcel size for a second dwelling in the Agricultural ‘A’ District to 10 acres.
Background Information
The County’s Municipal Development Plan and Land Use Bylaw were adopted in July 2017, following an extensive review process involving significant consultation with our community, including County landowners, residents, businesses and other stakeholders. During the community consultation to update the Municipal Development Plan and Land Use Bylaw in 2017, we heard a desire from the community to allow more dwellings in the agricultural area. The 5-Year Review of the Municipal Development Plan and Land Use Bylaw completed in 2023 identified that increasing the number of dwellings allowed on agricultural parcels is a continued area of interest to the community. During the community consultation about dwellings in the agricultural area in 2023, we heard again a desire from the community to allow more dwellings in the agricultural area.
There is a strong trend of our agricultural area being the primary area to reside in, which reflects the culture of our area as an agricultural community. A key factor in supporting our community is to keep the agricultural community vibrant, populated and able to sustain itself; therefore, ensuring that there are adequate housing opportunities.
In response to the feedback from the 2017 community consultation, 5-year review, and 2023 community consultation, Council has adopted the proposed bylaw which amended the Municipal Development Plan and Land Use Bylaw to allow 2 dwellings on Agricultural 'A' District parcels of 10 acres in size or larger.
2017 Community Consultation |
During the first round of consultation in 2016, the foundations and direction for future development were built. In this round, 60% of respondents supported two dwellings on Agricultural ‘A’ District parcels of 10-80 acres. During the second round of consultation in 2016, the issues were analyzed. In this round, 65% of respondents supported reducing the parcel size for two dwellings on Agricultural ‘A’ District parcels. The minimum size majority was however unclear, as it was split quite equally between the options of parcels at least 3 acres in size, at least 10 acres, at least 40 acres, and the existing policy of at least 80 acres. Based on this survey feedback, Council chose to take a gradual approach to expanding dwellings allowed in the agricultural area, and proposed reducing the minimum parcel size for two dwellings from at least 80 acres to at least 40 acres. The intent of the gradual approach was to reduce the minimum parcel size for two dwellings incrementally and monitor results. During the third round of consultation in 2017, the draft growth strategy was presented. In this round, 60% of respondents agreed with two dwellings being allowed on Agricultural ‘A’ District parcels of at least 40 acres. Further, 28% of respondents were neutral, and less than 12% of respondents were not satisfied with allowing two dwellings on Agricultural ‘A’ District parcels of at least 40 acres. |
5-Year Review of the Municipal Development Plan and Land Use Bylaw |
Since 2017, there have been 254 new dwellings in the Agricultural 'A' District. Since 2017, 4 additional dwellings were built due to the reduction in the minimum parcel size for two dwellings from 80 acres to 40 acres. Since 2017, 20 inquiries were also made on allowing two dwellings on agricultural parcels less than 40 acres. |
2023 Community Consultation |
A public meeting was held by Lacombe County at the County office on November 29, 2023, with a total of 61 attendees. A survey was held for a two-week period following the public meeting, and saw a total of 199 survey responses. Highlights of the survey are below. To read the full results of the community consultation, please see the attachment – What We Heard Report.
Public Hearing |
The County held a Public Hearing on March 14, 2024 at 7:00 PM at the Lacombe County Council Chamber on the proposed bylaw changes that would allow for two dwellings on Agricultural ‘A’ District parcels of 10 acres in size or larger. The Public Hearing included a presentation of the proposed bylaw and gave members of the public an opportunity to speak to Council about the proposed bylaw before it is adopted.
Thank you to all who participated in the Public Hearing!
County Council will carefully consider all feedback received and will decide how to proceed at a future Council meeting. |
Project timelines |
Contact us
We recognize that planning policy can at times be complicated, and we are happy to provide any clarification that is required.If you have any questions or require further information, please do not hesitate to contact Planning Services. You can reach Cajun Paradis, Senior Planner at 403-782-8389 or email Cajun.