Each spring, parts of Lacombe County may experience runoff backup due to frozen culverts. Frozen culverts can create problems with the natural flow of water.
If you see a culvert backup issue, please call the County Office (403-782-6601), the County Shop (403-782-3567), or by email. The Operations Department will be responsible for coordinating and prioritizing action based on the need and severity of the situation. Please note that Lacombe County crews do NOT go onto private property to clean out or steam the culverts.
Lacombe County has developed a Flood Mitigation Plan to deal with flooding and flood-related issues. The plan addresses immediate, medium, and long-term processes to properly and safely manage a flood event.
Stay safe during flooding roads
Residents should be cautious and avoid venturing into unsafe areas where there may be washouts or other spring runoff. Watch for hazards and ensure the road is stable when approaching flooded areas and washouts.
Remember, your safety comes first! Lacombe County will use media releases to inform residents of road closures and dangerous areas.
We use a steamer truck for opening up frozen culverts. This piece of equipment is essential in the case of a slow melt where the temperatures drop at night, causing ice blockages. The County prioritizes its efforts to clear blocked culverts based on road usage and severity.
Extreme weather events can threaten bridges and major culverts. Localized flooding is the most common situation in Lacombe County, which is usually short-term with minor traffic disruptions.
Major flooding is more prevalent on the Blindman River and the Medicine River. The bridges south of Bentley are the most prone to possible damage. The bridges in the County's northwest area, which mostly are standard bridges, may also be threatened. Implementing detour routes for road and bridge repairs will cause inconvenience but should not isolate residents.