Ice Hut Registration
To protect the environment and ensure safety, anglers MUST now follow provincial regulations which require the following ice hut identifications.
If you are leaving your ice fishing shelter on the ice for longer than 24 hours, you must label it with the following information written in a contrasting colour with text 2.5 cm or taller:
- Your Wildlife Identification Number (WIN), or
- Your name and telephone number
You must remove the shelter:
- On or before March 15th if you are within Fisheries Management Area PP1
- On or before March 31st on any waterbody within Fisheries Management Areas PP2, ES1-ES4, NB1-NB4
Ice hut identification requirements should be clearly displayed on the outside of huts. We also ask that ice hut owners keep the area around their huts clear of garbage. Identification is required to identify the owner of an ice hut in the event of a littering problem or if the ice hut is not removed from the ice by the end of the ice fishing season.
Report environmental complaints to the Government of Alberta at 1-800-222-6514