Lacombe County supports using volunteers and community groups to assist in the cleanup of road ditches and communities. Residents, community groups, and businesses are encouraged to participate in cleanup programs organized by volunteers and have several options to consider.
The Community Clean-Up Program is for an organization providing cleaning services by picking up litter within their community.
The Roadside Clean-Up Program is available for organizations to provide cleaning services by picking up garbage in the ditches along the roadway. Lacombe County will donate to the organization in the form of a grant.
The Adopt-a-Highway Program concept allows a group/company/individual to adopt a minimum three-kilometre maximum five-kilometre section of the roadway by agreeing to pick the litter once a year, before the end of August. Lacombe County will provide identification signs adjacent to the highway section that will include the group/company/individual's name.
Participants will provide labour services, hold safety-training workshops, and adhere to Caring for Lacombe County Roads guidelines and procedures.
The Clean Up Program Policy OP (33) has guidelines and procedures to help groups participate in the a roadside clean-up event.
To register your clean-up event or for further information, please get in touch with the Lacombe County Operations Department at 403-782-8379 or 403-782-3567 or email