Nominations will be accepted from January 1, 2025, until 12:00 p.m. (noon) on September 22, 2025.
The following candidates have submitted their nominations. To help residents access information about candidates, Lacombe County has provided an opportunity for all candidates to share a candidate profile. Select a candidate below to view their profile.
Candidate Name | Division |
Please note: The profiles above reflect the views of the candidates and do not represent endorsements or opinions of Lacombe County.
Prospective candidates must file a Notice of Intent to Be Nominated with Lacombe County before accepting campaign contributions.
Please note that filing this notice is not the same as filing nomination papers. An individual’s name will only appear on the ballot if their Nomination Paper and Candidate’s Acceptance are received.
Once a notice of intent form is accepted as complete by the local jurisdiction, an individual is allowed to be a candidate, accept contributions, or incur campaign expenses according to the rules set out in the Local Authorities Election Act and the Expense Limits regulation.
Nomination Paper and Candidate's Acceptance
Below is a register of individuals who have filed a Notice of Intent and Nomination Papers
Name |