Lacombe County is home to a number of parks, trails and natural spaces for everyone to enjoy. We are also blessed to have three lakes within our boundaries, and operate a public beach and several public boat launches to help residents and visitors enjoy these amenities.
Please note: visitors of Sandy Point Beach, Sandy Point Boat Launch, and Sunbreaker Cove Boat Launch are required to pay for parking at these locations.
While we don't operate our own recreational facilities, Lacombe County is an avid supporter of the many regional recreational facilities operated by our urban neighbours. We provide funding to our partner municipalities, to ensure that all residents – urban and rural – have equal access to recreation opportunities close to them.
Learn more about Lacombe County's Recreation Plan
For a list of community hall amenities/facilities, please visit the Community Halls section of the website.
If you encounter any issues with Lacombe County facilities, please contact us at 403-782-8379, or submit a request for service.