You can view the full County Calendar (past and upcoming meetings), and the highlights, minutes and agendas here: Calendar - Lacombe County
When are Council meetings held? |
Meetings begin at 9 a.m. in the Lacombe County Council Chambers. The regular meeting dealing with Planning and Development matters is held on the second Thursday of the month, while the regular meeting dealing with other issues is held on the fourth Thursday of each month. The Municipal Planning Commission (MPC) meets the second and fourth Thursday of the month on regular Council meeting days. The time will be specified in the Council Agenda Package for that day (as well as on our website).
You can find the dates and associated documents here: Calendar - Lacombe County. |
Are Council meetings open to the public? |
Yes. You are welcome to attend all regular Council meetings in their entirety or you may wish to stay for just an item that interests you. You can also tune in virtually for all Council, MPC, and Committee of the Whole meetings. |
How can I contact a member of Council? |
Lacombe County Council prides itself on an open door policy, and is interested in your input. With participation from local citizens, Council is better prepared to make informed decisions on policies and bylaws to meet the needs of Lacombe County residents. Councillors are accessible by phone, email, or you can write to members of Council at: Lacombe County The Executive Assistant will ensure your concerns are forwarded accordingly. |
Which Council member should I contact? |
You may contact the local representative for your division, or because Council represents the community as a whole you are welcome to contact any member of Council. |
Will issues discussed with a Councillor automatically be placed on a meeting agenda? |
No. If you wish to have a matter considered at a Council meeting you can write a letter addressed to: Email Jennifer Prediger, Executive Assistant You are also welcome to contact the Executive Assistant by phoning (403) 782-6601. Depending on the nature of your request she may ask you to provide details and background material which would assist in presenting your information to Council. If the nature of your concern can be handled by County Administration it may not need to proceed to Council. |
If I have made a request to have an item placed on the agenda, what happens next? |
The Executive Assistant will advise you of the date and approximate time your issue will be discussed. If you wish to speak at the meeting the Reeve will invite you to begin your presentation. If you choose not to make a presentation at the meeting, you may want to be available to answer questions that the Reeve or Council members may have. If you are unable to attend the meeting your item will still be discussed. You will be advised by letter of Council's decision regarding your issue. |
Can I get a copy of the meeting agenda? |
Yes, you can request copies of meeting agendas on the Monday before Thursday meetings. |